"Lifestyle issues exposing 30-40 age group people more in current COVID wave": Guru Manish Ji

"Unhealthy lifestyle is leading to more younger people, mainly in the age 30-40 years getting infected by the new strain of the Coronavirus. Younger Indians follow an erratic routine which affects their diet too. Eating junk , spending unending hours on the smartphone and in front of the computer screen is impacting the immunity of this age group of people thus exposing them to COVID.", said Guru Manish Ji, founder of Shuddhi Ayurveda which has its corporate headquarter near Chandigarh  and runs under its banner 160 + clinics all over India.

Guru Manish Ji, who has established himself as one of India's most influential Ayurveda and traditional Indian healing methods experts.

Guru Manish Ji added, "The number of COVID cases is going up exponentially also as the new virus is more virulent and is mutating in a way which helps it infect host human bodies on a larger scale. However fellow Indians on the other hand are not changing their strategy to ward off the COVID threat. Indians are not following time tested natural immunity  boosting measures suggested by Ayurveda and so the virus is engulfing lakhs of Indians on a daily basis."

Guru Manish Ji also announced 'pH balanced diet' plans for those displaying COVID like symptoms or even for those who are COVID positive.

Guru Manish Ji opined, "We can improve our body's resistance power & immunity naturally by having a pH balanced diet  which generally includes consumption of coconut water, fresh  citrus fruit juices, vegetable juices, seasonal salads, cucumber, vegetable soups etc. I also advise to do fasting for 1-2 days, which will help the body rejuvenate, increase its immunity & also detoxify it. 'Langhanam param aushadham' which means 'fasting is the best medicine' & 'shuddhi param aushadhi' or 'body detoxification is the best medicine'  are categorically mentioned in our ancient texts, as supreme natural medicines which prevent as well as cure diseases."

Guru Manish Ji explained that Indians need to strengthen their soldier cells or T Lymphocytes through natural methods, this can be done through right food  intake, fasting from time to time, avoiding certain foods & drinks, having plenty of fluids, and practicing yoga  - mainly breathing techniques like pranayam, anulom vilom, kapal bhati etc.

Shedding light on the vaccination drive, Guru Manish Ji said that vaccination provides protection but there are side effects and in some cases serious ones. He added that one should focus on using traditional Indian systems like Ayurveda to boost immunity strength without any side effects.

Speaking on the option of lockdown Guru Manish Ji said that  lockdown should be the last resort as it had many negative impacts like economic hardships for the country. He said that it was better to work on improving immunity of all Indians so that the virus's 'infection creating propensity' is reduced.

Meanwhile Shuddhi Ayurveda has unveiled Vish Har Ras, thirty-two (32) herbs tea and Ayush Kwath to help fight COVID. Vish Har Ras has major ingredients like Neem & Giloy, which have high antiviral properties. The tea contains 32 medicinal herbs like elaichi, dalchini which have antioxidant properties and Ayush Kwath contains tulsi, pepper and shunthi which help in increasing immunity.


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